22 December 2005

movies that irrate your urethra

original post
(yeah i know it's a pleasant thought to begin with)

i'm very sure you have come across movies that just piss you off. you never want to see them again and you have such a bad relationship with it that uttering its title is sure to raise your blood pressure. but i'm also aware that one man's garbage is another man's treasure. therefore, my profound apologises to anyone whose toes i inadvertently step on during these screed (or any kind that i do). i'm just interested in creating discussion.

without further ado...

the classic genre that irrates the hell out of me is the chick-flick. i attribute a lot of it because i possess the y chromosome and it'll explain every other negative opinion of that genre. but it's not just having 100% testosterone in my brain. there's usually several traits to it that i respond to, sometimes with great verbal violence.

for an example, how to make an american quilt. yes i know it's about women coming together, socialising and growing and yadi-yadi-yada. but the whole theme is about failed relationships and it's usually how the men are complete jerks. i don't deny the existence of male jerks. however you can't have your whole life be fueled with skepticism just because of some asshole with a dick. not every single man is cruel or uncaring or unsympathetic or chauvinistic and (continue list on your own). and i hate feeling like i'm the villain just because my anatomy. it's depressing to think that 1) you are cause all ills in the world and 2) you can be considered useless in the life of the world (i.e. "you don't need a father".

there's another title that is not in the chick-flick genre but i'm really upset with... the matrix revolutions. and i can name a very specific reason. the previous movie had - i thought anyway - the most touching moment in the whole of the matrix: neo saving trinity. it's very CHRIST-like (saving the one sheep over the 99 and so on) and it was very beautiful. revolutions made that whole act completely worthless since both of them died. now you say: the machines stopped and the war is over. well, not quite. it's just a reincarnation in a different form. philosophically, the matrix universe is closer to the hindi concept (universes go through deaths and rebirths) than to the judeo-christian one (creation ex nihilio from an uncreated and eternal GOD). so in short, people do not matter in that movie: just philosophical ideas and cool visuals.

any other titles that get you into a fit of near-psychotic rage? =]

courtney craig's response
Tokyo Drifter!!!

derek power's response to courtney craig's response
yeah, yeah, yeah.

you'd say the same thing about any japanese film whether it's fast-action western-inspired works of akira kurosawa, the transcendent works of yasijuro ozu, the spiritually-inspired works of akira kurosawa, the slash-and-burn works of seijun suzuki and the shakespeare or historical event inspired works of akira kurosawa.

yes, i know you hate japan =]


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